Envicas - Asbestos inventory

Asbestos inventory

Since 1 January 1995, every employer has been obliged to make an inventory of everything that contains asbestos in the company. This inventory forms the basis for a management programme that aims to limit the exposure of workers to asbestos fibres as much as possible.

How do we go about making an asbestos inventory?

A visual and/or destructive inspection of the buildings and installations is carried out. All materials that are assumed to contain asbestos are included in the inventory. Samples are taken from suspect materials that may contain asbestos, and examined by an accredited laboratory. After existing asbestos in the building or installation is detected and registered, a report is drawn up. The inventory and associated management programme are the basic documents for evaluating the exposure of employees in places where asbestos is present, and for any work where asbestos fibres can be released.